OP Stack
Interop devnet

Interop devnet


Interop devnet is currently in active development and may experience periods of instability, including potential outages, as the networks is regularly updated and improved. Developers should expect some level of unreliability when interacting with the devnet. The devnet is intended for testing and development purposes only, and should not be relied upon for mission-critical applications.

The Interop devnet is a temporary public network of two OP Stack Sepolia instances that supports SuperERC20 tokens, native cross-chain messaging, and cross-chain ETH transfers. As we iterate on Superchain interop, these networks will be deprecated once the next devnets are released.

NOTE: The current Interop devnet has been deprecated. This page will be updated once the next Interop devnet is live.

Interop devnet 0

Network NameTBA
Currency Symbol1ETH
Sequencer URL'TBA'

Interop devnet 1

Network NameTBA
Currency Symbol1ETH
Sequencer URL'TBA'
  1. The "currency symbol" is required by some wallets like MetaMask.
  2. The OptimismPortal is a low-level contract responsible for passing messages between L1 and L2. Messages sent directly to the OptimismPortal have no form of replayability. You can send ether directly to the portal to receive it to the sender address on the L2.

Sending ETH to the interop devnets

Get Sepolia ETH

You can utilize the Superchain Faucet (opens in a new tab) to get ether on Sepolia.

Send the Sepolia ETH to the devnet

You can send ether directly to the OptimismPortal address and it will go to the same sender address on the devnet.

Wait for bridging to complete

It'll take approximately 2 minutes for the bridging process to complete and the ether to appear in your wallet.

Next steps

  • Want to start with local development? Use Supersim, a local dev environment that simulates interop for testing applications against a local version of the Superchain.
  • Read about interop message passing to see how you can implement it yourself on this devnet.