OP Stack
Smart contracts

Smart Contract overview

This guide provides an overview of the functionality of the smart contract components. You can also find contract addresses on OP Mainnet.

Layer 1 contracts

The layer 1 contracts of the OP Stack are deployed on Ethereum. Their primary purpose is to facilitate the cross domain message passing and maintain the valid state root of the layer 2.

Official releases

The full smart contract release process is documented in the monorepo (opens in a new tab). All production releases are always tagged, versioned as <component-name>/v<semver>. Contract releases have a component name of op-contracts and therefore are tagged as op-contract/vX.Y.Z.


For contract releases, refer to the GitHub release notes for a given release, which will list the specific contracts being released—not all contracts are considered production ready within a release, and many are under active development. These release pages are linked below.

Releases or tags of the form v<semver> without a component name, such as v1.1.4, indicate releases of all Go code only, and DO NOT include smart contracts. DO NOT use these releases for deploying smart contracts—only deploy from op-contracts/vX.Y.Z

op-contracts/v1.6.0 - Fault proof fixes

The release fixes security vulnerabilities found in Fault Proof contracts. They were made in response to security vulnerabilities identified during a series of third-party security audits by Spearbit, Cantina, and Code4rena. None of the vulnerabilities have been exploited, and user assets are not and were never at risk.

The upgrade was coupled with the Granite network upgrade to improve the stability and performance of the Fault Proof System. In addition, the capabilities of the Guardian and DeputyGuardian have been extended to set the anchor state for the Fault Proof System in order to prevent referencing invalid anchor states.



No change:

op-contracts/v1.5.0 - Safe extensions

The Safe Extensions protocol upgrade is intended to increase the security and decentralization of the Superchain by:

  1. Increasing the Security Council Safe's signing threshold, from 4 to 10, out of 13 owners. This meets the 75% threshold requirement for a Stage 1 rollup outlined in L2Beat's Stages framework (opens in a new tab)
  2. Reassigning the role of Guardian from the Foundation to a new Guardian Safe with the Security Council Safe as its sole owner. This moves the Superchain closer to satisfying the 1 week exit window requirement for Stage 1.
    • Additionally the Foundation is appointed to the new DeputyGuardian role which is able to act as Guardian through the Guardian Safe. This appointment can be revoked by the Security Council Safe at any time.
  3. Reassigning the owner of the L2ProxyAdmin contract from the Foundation to the Security Council. This ensures the Security Council Safe has a blocking vote for L2 predeploy upgrades and is a requirement for Stage 1.


No change:

op-contracts/v1.4.0 - Fault proofs

This protocol upgrade reduces the trust assumptions for users of the OP Stack by enabling permissionless output proposals and a permissionless fault proof system. As part of a responsible and safe rollout of Fault Proofs, it preserves the ability for the guardian to override if necessary to maintain security.

As a result, withdrawals no longer depend on the privileged proposer role posting an output root, allowing the entire withdrawal process to be completed without any privileged actions. The trust assumption is reduced to requiring only that the Guardian role does not act to intervene.

Combined with the Guardian, Security Council Threshold and L2 ProxyAdmin Ownership changes 23 proposals, this satisfies the criteria to have OP Chains reach Stage 1 status.





  • L2OutputOracle: 1.8.0

No change:

op-contracts/v1.3.0 - Multi-Chain Prep (MCP)

This is the current recommended contract release for new production chains.

This protocol upgrade strengthens the security and upgradeability of the Superchain by enabling L1 contracts to be upgraded atomically across multiple chains in a single transaction. This upgrade also extends the SystemConfig to contain the addresses of the contracts in the network, allowing users to discover the system's contract addresses programmatically.



No change:

op-contracts/v1.2.0 - SuperchainConfig with Extended Pause Functionality

The SuperchainConfig contract is used to manage global configuration values for multiple OP Chains within a single Superchain network.




No change:

  • AddressManager: Latest (this has no version)

op-contracts/v1.1.0 - ProtocolVersions

The Protocol Version documents the progression of the total set of canonical OP Stack specifications. Components of the OP Stack implement the subset of their respective protocol component domain, up to a given Protocol Version of the OP Stack.

The Protocol Version is NOT a hardfork identifier, but rather indicates software-support for a well-defined set of features introduced in past and future hardforks, not the activation of said hardforks.

The Protocol Version only applies to the Protocol specifications with the Superchain Targets (opens in a new tab) specified within. This versioning is independent of the Semver versioning used in OP Stack smart contracts, and the Semver-versioned reference software of the OP-Stack. This is an optional feature.



  • ProtocolVersions: 1.0.0

No change:

op-contracts/v1.0.0 - Bedrock

The Bedrock protocol upgrade was designed to minimize the amount of code in the OP Stack, pushes it as close as possible to Ethereum-Equivalence, and most importantly making the stack modular.



L1 Contract Details


AddressManager is a legacy contract that was used in the old version of the Optimism system to manage a registry of string names to addresses. We now use a more standard proxy system for most contracts, but this contract is still used for the L1CrossDomainMessenger, via ResolvedDelegateProxy


The SuperchainConfig contract is used to manage configuration of global superchain values. It has the ability to pause and unpause all withdrawals in the Superchain.


The L1CrossDomainMessenger is a message passing interface between L1 and L2 responsible for sending and receiving data on the L1 side. Users are encouraged to use this interface instead of interacting with lower-level contracts directly.


The L1ERC721bridge is a contract which works together with the L2ERC721Bridge to make it possible to transfer ERC721 tokens from Ethereum to OP Mainnet. This contract acts as an escrow for ERC721 tokens deposited into L2.



This contract is not intended to support all variations of ERC20 tokens. Examples of some token types that may not be properly supported by this contract include, but are not limited to: tokens with transfer fees, rebasing tokens, and tokens with blocklists.

The L1StandardBridge is responsible for transferring ETH and ERC20 tokens between L1 and L2. In the case that an ERC20 token is native to L1, it will be escrowed within this contract. If the ERC20 token is native to L2, it will be burnt.


The OptimismPortal is a low-level contract responsible for passing messages between L1 and L2. Messages sent directly to the OptimismPortal have no form of replayability. Users are encouraged to use the L1CrossDomainMessenger for a higher-level interface.


The ProtocolVersions contract is used to manage Superchain protocol version information. It exposes a recommended and required version for node operators. The recommended/required versions are changed with each hard fork. Nodes can optionally halt if using the wrong version.


The SystemConfig contract helps manage configuration of an OP Stack network. Much of the network's configuration is stored on L1 and picked up by L2 as part of the derivation of the L2 chain. The contract also contains references to all other contract addresses for the chain.


The DisputeGameFactory deploys instances of FaultDisputeGame and PermissionedDisputeGame to resolve disputes about the OP Stack chain state at specific block numbers. It serves as the entry point for creating and managing dispute games. The factory uses the AnchorStateRegistry for initialization, and integrates the DelayedWETH contract to manage participant bonds.


The FaultDisputeGame resolves disputes about the OP Stack chain state by allowing participants to propose or challenge states. It is deployed by the DisputeGameFactory and includes logic to finalize disputes. The contract uses the AnchorStateRegistry to start from trusted states, MIPS to execute fault proofs, the PreimageOracle to validate hash-based claims, and the DelayedWETH contract to handle bonds.


The PermissionedDisputeGame is also deployed by the DisputeGameFactory, and inherits logic and dependencies from FaultDisputeGame while adding role-based restrictions. It restricts participation to specific roles, such as designated proposers or challengers. It is used when stricter access controls are required, as enforced by the Guardian.


The AnchorStateRegistry stores the latest "anchor" state for each dispute game type. An anchor state is the most recent state proposed on L1 that was not challenged within the challenge period. These states allow new dispute games to start from a trusted, recent state, reducing offchain computation requirements.


The DelayedWETH contract manages bonds posted by participants during disputes. It delays payouts to allow time for verification, ensuring that funds are distributed correctly. This mechanism ensures participants are financially committed and disputes are finalized securely.


The MIPS contract provides an on-chain implementation of a MIPS32 R1 virtual machine, designed to execute fault proofs for disputes by processing a standardized instruction set. This enables instances of FaultDisputeGame and PermissionedDisputeGame to resolve disputes over state transitions accurately and consistently. The process starts from the trusted anchor state provided by the AnchorStateRegistry, ensuring that the dispute is based on a reliable foundation. The PreimageOracle is then used to retrieve pre-images of hash-based claims, validating the data used in the computation and ensuring its integrity.


The PreimageOracle maps hashes to their corresponding pre-images for secure and permissioned data retrieval. It validates hash-based claims used in disputes, such as state transitions or computational steps. This ensures the integrity of fault proofs in FaultDisputeGame and PermissionedDisputeGame instances.

DEPRECATED - L2OutputOracle

The L2OutputOracle contains an array of L2 state outputs, where each output is a commitment to the state of the L2 chain. Other contracts like the OptimismPortal use these outputs to verify information about the state of L2.

Layer 2 Contracts (Predeploys)

Predeployed smart contracts exist at predetermined addresses in the genesis state. They are similar to precompiles but instead run directly in the EVM instead of running native code outside the EVM.

Predeploys are used instead of precompiles to make it easier for multiclient implementations as well as allowing for more integration with hardhat/foundry network forking.


WETH9 is the standard implementation of Wrapped Ether. It is a commonly used contract and is placed as a predeploy so that it is at a deterministic address.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: no


The L2CrossDomainMessenger is a high-level interface for message passing between L1 and L2 on the L2 side. Users are generally encouraged to use this contract instead of lower level message passing contracts.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000007
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes



This contract is not intended to support all variations of ERC20 tokens. Examples of some token types that may not be properly supported by this contract include, but are not limited to: tokens with transfer fees, rebasing tokens, and tokens with blocklists.

The L2StandardBridge is responsible for transferring ETH and ERC20 tokens between L1 and L2. In the case that an ERC20 token is native to L2, it will be escrowed within this contract. If the ERC20 token is native to L1, it will be burnt.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000010
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The SequencerFeeVault is the contract that holds any fees paid to the Sequencer during transaction processing and block production.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000011
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The OptimismMintableERC20Factory is responsible for creating ERC20 contracts on L2 that can be used for depositing native L1 tokens into. These ERC20 contracts can be created permissionlessly and implement the interface required by the StandardBridge to just work with deposits and withdrawals.

Each ERC20 contract that is created by the OptimismMintableERC20Factory allows for the L2StandardBridge to mint and burn tokens, depending on if the user is depositing from L1 to L2 or withdrawing from L2 to L1.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000012
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The GasPriceOracle is no longer a permissioned contract like in the legacy system. It only exists to preserve the API for offchain gas estimation. The function getL1Fee(bytes) accepts an unsigned RLP transaction and will return the L1 portion of the fee. This fee pays for using L1 as a data availability layer and should be added to the L2 portion of the fee, which pays for execution, to compute the total transaction fee.

Following the Ecotone upgrade, the values used for L1 fee computation are:

  • baseFeeScalar
  • blobBaseFeeScalar
  • decimals

These new scalar values are managed by the SystemConfig contract on the L1 by introducing a backwards compatible versioned encoding scheme of its scalars storage slot. The decimals remain hardcoded to 6, and the overhead value is ignored.

  • Address: 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The OP token used in governance and supporting voting and delegation. Implements EIP 2612 allowing signed approvals. Contract is "owned" by a MintManager instance with permission to the mint function only, for the purposes of enforcing the token inflation schedule.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: no


The L1Block predeploy gives users access to information about the last known L1 block. Values within this contract are updated once per epoch (every L1 block) and can only be set by the "depositor" account, a special system address. Depositor account transactions are created by the protocol whenever we move to a new epoch.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000015
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The L2ToL1MessagePasser is a dedicated contract where messages that are being sent from L2 to L1 can be stored. The storage root of this contract is pulled up to the top level of the L2 output to reduce the cost of proving the existence of sent messages.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000016
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes



Do not bridge an ERC721 that was originally deployed on Optimism. This bridge ONLY supports ERC721s originally deployed on Ethereum. Users will need to wait for the one-week challenge period to elapse before their Optimism-native NFT can be refunded on L2.

The L2ERC721Bridge is a contract which works together with the L1ERC721Bridge to make it possible to transfer ERC721 tokens from Ethereum to Optimism. This contract acts as a minter for new tokens when it hears about deposits into the L1ERC721Bridge. This contract also acts as a burner for tokens being withdrawn.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000014
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


Factory contract for creating OptimismMintableERC721 contracts.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000017
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The ProxyAdmin is the owner of all of the proxy contracts set at the predeploys. It is itself behind a proxy. The owner of the ProxyAdmin will have the ability to upgrade any of the other predeploy contracts.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000018
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The BaseFeeVault predeploy receives the base fees on L2. The base fee is not burnt on L2 like it is on L1. Once the contract has received a certain amount of fees, the ETH can be withdrawn to an immutable address on L1.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000019
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The L1FeeVault predeploy receives the L1 portion of the transaction fees. Once the contract has received a certain amount of fees, the ETH can be withdrawn to an immutable address on L1.

  • Address: 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000001a
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes


The SchemaRegistry predeploy implements the global attestation schemas for the Ethereum Attestation Service protocol.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000020
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes

The SchemaRegistry works alongside the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) to enable attestations. See Build Decentralized Identity Apps with Attestations (opens in a new tab) for more details on schemas and usage.

EAS (Ethereum Attestation Service)

The Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) (opens in a new tab) is an open-source public good included as a predeploy in the OP Stack. It allows developers to issue and manage attestations on-chain, supporting use cases such as decentralized identity and other data integrity scenarios.

The EAS predeploy implements the Ethereum Attestation Service protocol.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000021
  • Introduced: Bedrock
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: yes

Contract addresses

EAS contracts are deployed on these networks:

NetworkAttestation ContractSchema Registry Contract
OP Sepolia0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000021 (opens in a new tab)0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000020 (opens in a new tab)
OP Mainnet0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000021 (opens in a new tab)0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000020 (opens in a new tab)

How to use EAS

You can interact with the Ethereum Attestation Service in several ways:

  1. Using the EAS Scan UI:

  2. Using the JavaScript SDK:

  3. Access Directly Onchain:

Indexing Attestations

Attestations made via EAS can be indexed through the following tools:

For more information on working with attestations, see Build Decentralized Identity Apps with Attestations (opens in a new tab).


The BeaconBlockRoot predeploy provides access to the L1 beacon block roots. This was added during the Ecotone network upgrade and is specified in EIP-4788 (opens in a new tab).

  • Address: 0x000F3df6D732807Ef1319fB7B8bB8522d0Beac02
  • Introduced: Ecotone
  • Deprecated: no
  • Proxied: no


DEPRECATED - LegacyMessagePasser

The LegacyMessagePasser was the low-level mechanism used to send messages from L2 to L1 before the Bedrock upgrade.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000000
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: yes
  • Proxied: yes

DEPRECATED - DeployerWhitelist

DeployerWhitelist is a legacy contract that was originally used to act as a whitelist of addresses allowed to the Optimism network. The DeployerWhitelist has since been disabled, but the code is kept in state for the sake of full backwards compatibility. As of the Bedrock upgrade, the DeployerWhitelist is completely unused by the Optimism system and could, in theory, be removed entirely.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000002
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: yes
  • Proxied: yes


LegacyERC20ETH is a legacy contract that held ETH balances before the Bedrock upgrade. All ETH balances held within this contract were migrated to the state trie as part of the Bedrock upgrade. Functions within this contract that mutate state were already disabled as part of the EVM equivalence upgrade.

  • Address: 0xDeadDeAddeAddEAddeadDEaDDEAdDeaDDeAD0000
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: yes
  • Proxied: yes

DEPRECATED - L1BlockNumber

L1BlockNumber is a legacy contract that fills the role of the OVM_L1BlockNumber contract in the old version of the Optimism system. Only necessary for backwards compatibility. If you want to access the L1 block number going forward, you should use the L1Blockcontract instead.

  • Address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000013
  • Introduced: Legacy
  • Deprecated: yes
  • Proxied: yes