Node Operators
Base Configuration

Node base configuration


Always run op-node and op-geth in a one-to-one configuration. Don't run multiple op-geth instances behind one op-node, or vice versa.

To configure your node, you will need to do the following:

  1. Configure op-node to point to the correct L1, op-geth, and L2 network.
  2. Initialize op-geth with the correct network parameters.
  3. Configure op-geth to properly communicate with the Rollup Node.
  4. Optionally, configure Legacy Geth.

Configuring op-geth

Although the Docker image for the Execution Engine is called op-geth, the actual binary is still called geth in order to minimize differences between op-geth and go-ethereum. You can see the difference here (opens in a new tab).

op-geth stores its state in a database that requires initialization. Depending on the network you're running, initialization is done one of three ways:

  1. With Network Flags: This initializes the genesis information and chain configuration from the superchain-registry (opens in a new tab).
  2. With a Genesis File: This is for deployments that are not migrated from a legacy network (i.e. OP Sepolia). In this case, you'll use a genesis file and initialize the data directory via geth init.
  3. With a Data Directory: This is used for networks that are migrated from a legacy network. This currently only includes OP Mainnet. In this case, you'll download a preconfigured data directory and extract it. No further initialization is necessary in this case, because the data directory contains the network's genesis information. This method can be bypassed if you utilize snap sync.

Regardless of how op-geth is initialized, you'll need to ensure that you have sufficient disk space available to store the network's data. As of this writing, the OP Mainnet data directory is ~1.6TB for a full node and ~5TB for an archival node.

Initialize op-geth

Instructions for each initialization method are below. If you're spinning up an OP Mainnet, use the Initialization via Data Directory path. If you're spinning up an OP Sepolia node, use the Initialization via Network Flags path.

Initialization via network flags

To initialize op-geth with the network flags, you simply need to set the --op-network=<value> and --network=<value> on op-node. To see the latest support networks, you can consult the --help output for the op-network option.

Initialization via genesis file

op-geth uses JSON files to encode a network's genesis information. For networks that are initialized in this way, you'll receive a URL to the genesis JSON. You'll need to download the genesis JSON, then run the following command to initialize the data directory:

OP_GETH_GENESIS_URL=<<insert op-geth url to the genesis file>>
if [ ! -s $FILE ]; then
  apk add curl
  geth init --datadir /db $FILE
  echo "Genesis file already exists. Skipping initialization."

Initialization via data directory

To initialize op-geth with a preconfigured data directory, simply download and extract the data directory to a place of your choosing. The data directory is exported as a tar file. An example command to do this is below:

curl -o <path to data directory> -sL <URL to data directory>
tar -xvf <path to data directory>


Once op-geth is initialized, it can be configured via CLI flags. op-geth accepts all the standard go-ethereum flags (opens in a new tab) as well as a few extra flags that are specific to Optimism. These flags are:

  • --rollup.historicalrpc: Enables the historical RPC endpoint. This endpoint is used to fetch historical execution data from Legacy Geth. This flag is only necessary for upgraded networks.
  • --rollup.sequencerhttp: HTTP endpoint of the sequencer. op-geth will route eth_sendRawTransaction calls to this URL. Bedrock does not currently have a public mempool, so this is required if you want your node to support transaction submission. Consult the documentation for the network you are participating in to get the correct URL.
  • --rollup.disabletxpoolgossip: Disables transaction pool gossiping. While not required, it's useful to set this to true since transaction pool gossip is currently unsupported.

To communicate with op-node and enable the Engine API, you'll also need to generate a JWT secret file and enable Geth's authenticated RPC endpoint.

To generate the JWT secret, run the following:

openssl rand -hex 32 > jwt.txt

Then, specify the following flags:

  • --authrpc.addr: Sets the address op-geth's authenticated RPC should listen on.
  • --authrpc.port: Sets the port op-geth's authenticated RPC should listen on. The default value is 8551.
  • --authrpc.jwtsecret: Sets the path to a JWT secret file you generated above.

Recommended flags for op-geth configuration

You may also want to specify the following flags based on your configuration:

  • --authrpc.vhosts: Whitelists which hosts (as defined in the Host header) are allowed to access the authenticated RPC endpoint. This is useful if you're running op-geth on containerized infrastructure. The default value is localhost.
  • --http.vhosts: Whitelists which hosts (as defined in the Host header) are allowed to access the unauthenticated RPC endpoint. This is useful if you're running op-geth on containerized infrastructure. The default value is localhost.
  • --http, --http.addr, and --http.port: Enables the unauthenticated RPC endpoint, configures its address, and configures its port. You'll almost certainly want to specify these, since they will enable Geth's JSON-RPC endpoint.
  • --ws, --ws.addr, and --ws.port: Enables the WebSocket API.
  • --verbosity: Configures Geth's log level. This is a number between 0 and 5, with 5 being the most verbose. Defaults to 3.

Working base configuration

A valid command that runs op-geth and enables RPC over HTTP and WebSockets looks like:

geth \
  --ws \
  --ws.port=8546 \
  --ws.addr=localhost \"*" \
  --http \
  --http.port=8545 \
  --http.addr=localhost \
  --http.vhosts="*" \
  --http.corsdomain="*" \
  --authrpc.addr=localhost \
  --authrpc.jwtsecret=/var/secrets/jwt.txt \
  --authrpc.port=8551 \
  --authrpc.vhosts="*" \
  --datadir=/data \
  --verbosity=3 \
  --rollup.disabletxpoolgossip=true \
  --rollup.sequencerhttp= \

Consult Geth's documentation (opens in a new tab) for more information on customizing op-geth's behavior.

Configuring op-node

op-node is a standalone, statically linked binary. It stores no state, and requires no initialization. It consumes configuration parameters either via the command line or environment variables. For some networks, the Rollup Node also requires a configuration file (called rollup.json or the "rollup config") that configures network-specific genesis parameters. For official networks like OP Sepolia and OP Mainnet, the genesis config is hardcoded in the op-node software and can be specified via a --network flag.

Following the Ecotone upgrade node operators must set an L1 beacon value to retrieve blobs from a Beacon node.


The op-node RPC should not be exposed publicly. If left exposed, it could accidentally expose admin controls to the public internet.

Working base configuration

A minimal valid configuration that runs op-node looks like:

op-node --l1=<ethereum mainnet RPC url> \
        --l2=<op-geth authenticated RPC url> \
        --network=op-mainnet \
        --rpc.addr= \
        --rpc.port=9545 \
        --l2.jwt-secret=<path to JWT secret> \
        --l1.beacon=<http endpoint address of L1 Beacon-node> \
        --syncmode=execution-layer \

You can manually specify a path to a rollup config with the --rollup.config flag. This is used for testnets or internal deployments that are not migrated from a legacy network.

Each of the above flags can also be defined via an environment variable. Run op-node --help to see a list of all available flags and environment variables.

Configuring peer-to-peer networking

Unlike the previous system, the op-node participates in a peer-to-peer network. This network is used to distribute blocks that have not been submitted to L1 yet. The op-node will automatically discover and connect to peers using a hardcoded set of bootnodes. You can also manually specify peers to connect to via the --p2p.static flag.

For best results, run op-node with a static IP address that is accessible from the public Internet. For Kubernetes deployments, this can be achieved by configuring a dedicated Ingress with an external IP, and using the --p2p.advertise.ip flag to specify the IP address of the load balancer when advertising IP addresses to peers.

The default port for the peer-to-peer network is 9003. You will need to open this port on your firewall to receive unsubmitted blocks. For your node to be discoverable, this port must be accessible via both TCP and UDP protocols.

Legacy Geth

If you are running a node for an upgraded network like OP Mainnet (but not OP Sepolia), you will also need to run Legacy Geth in order to serve historical execution traces. Fundamentally, Legacy Geth is our old l2geth binary running against a preconfigured data directory. To configure Legacy Geth, follow the instructions above for using a preconfigured data directory, then execute the following command:

It is imperative that you specify the USING_OVM=true environment variable in the command below. Failing to specify this will cause l2geth to return invalid execution traces, or panic at startup.

USING_OVM=true \
  RPC_API=eth,rollup,net,web3,debug \
  RPC_ENABLE=true \
  RPC_PORT=8545 \
  geth --datadir <path to data directory>

This command is the minimum required to run Legacy Geth and expose a functioning RPC endpoint. As before, l2geth takes all standard go-ethereum flags so you can customize the configuration as needed.

As mentioned above, don't forget to specify --rollup.historicalrpc on op-geth to properly route requests for historical execution to Legacy Geth.

Since Legacy Geth is read-only, it is safe to run multiple Legacy Geth nodes behind a load balancer.

Historical execution vs. historical data routing

Only requests for historical execution will be routed to Legacy Geth. Everything else will be served by op-geth directly. The term historical execution refers to RPC methods that need to execute transactions prior to bedrock (not just read data from the database):

  • eth_call
  • eth_estimateGas
  • debug_traceBlockByNumber
  • debug_traceBlockByHash
  • debug_traceCall
  • debug_traceTransaction

If you do not need these RPC methods for historical data, then you do not need to run Legacy Geth at all.

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