This section provides information on bridging erc 20 tokens to op mainnet with viem, bridging eth to op mainnet with viem, communicating between op mainnet and ethereum in solidity, deploying your first contract on op mainnet, estimating transaction costs on op mainnet, tracing deposits and withdrawals, viewing deposits and withdrawals by address, triggering op mainnet transactions from ethereum, bridging your custom erc 20 token using the standard bridge and bridging your standard erc 20 token using the standard bridge. You'll find tutorial to help you understand and work with these topics.
Bridging erc 20 tokens to OP Stack with viemBridging eth to op mainnet with viemCommunicating between OP Stack and ethereum in solidityEstimating transaction costs on OP StackTracing deposits and withdrawalsViewing deposits and withdrawals by addressTriggering op mainnet transactions from ethereumBridging your custom erc 20 token using the standard bridgeBridging your standard erc 20 token using the standard bridge