OP Contracts Manager
The OP Contracts Manager is a contract that deploys the L1 contracts for an OP Stack chain in a single transaction. It provides a minimal set of user-configurable parameters to ensure that the resulting chain meets the standard configuration requirements. Additionally, as of Upgrade 13 (opens in a new tab), instances of OPCM can upgrade existing OP Stack chains.
The version deployed is always a governance-approved contract release. The set of governance approved contract releases can be found on the Optimism Monorepo releases page, and is the set of releases named op-contracts/vX.Y.Z
. It deploys the Fault Proof System, using the PermissionedDisputeGame.
OPCM simplifies the L1 contract deployments for new OP Stack chains. For each smart contract release there will be a new OPCM instance. It addresses three aspects of deploying the OP Stack's L1 contracts:
- Deploy Superchain Contracts. Superchain contracts are shared between many OP chains, so this occurs only occasionally in production.
- Deploy Shared Implementation Contracts. This occurs once per contracts release in production.
- Deploy OP Chain Contracts. This occurs for every OP chain deployment in production.
Additionally, after the Upgrade 13 network upgrade, OPCM instances will be used to upgrade existing OP Stack chains.
Learn more
- Checkout the OPCM specs (opens in a new tab)
- Checkout the OPCM design document (opens in a new tab)