Chain Operators
Chain Features
Run an Alt-DA Mode Chain

How to run an Alt-DA mode chain


The Alt-DA Mode feature is currently in Beta within the MIT-licensed OP Stack. Beta features are built and reviewed by Optimism Collective core contributors, and provide developers with early access to highly requested configurations. These features may experience stability issues, and we encourage feedback from our early users.

This guide provides a walkthrough for chain operators who want to run an Alt-DA Mode chain. See the Alt-DA Mode Explainer for a general overview of this OP Stack configuration. An Alt-DA Mode OP Stack chain enables a chain operator to post and read data to any alternative data availability layer that has built a functioning OP Stack DA Server.


This page includes providers that meet specific inclusion criteria, as outlined below.


You should use at least the following compatible op* versions when running your chain.

If you are trying to launch an Alt-DA Mode Chain using a custom gas token, follow the contract deployment instructions in our Custom Gas Token docs.

Setup your DA server


DA Servers are not built or maintained by Optimism Collective Core Contributors. DA servers are maintained by third parties and run at your own risk. Please reach out to the team who built the DA Server you are trying to run with any questions or issues.

Configure your op-node

  • Spin up your OP chain as usual but set --altda.enabled=true and point both op-batcher and op-node to the DA server.
  • No configuration changes are required for op-geth or op-proposer.

    --altda.da-server value                                               ($OP_NODE_ALTDA_DA_SERVER)
          HTTP address of a DA Server
    --altda.enabled                    (default: false)                   ($OP_NODE_ALTDA_ENABLED)
          Enable Alt-DA mode
    --altda.verify-on-read             (default: true)                    ($OP_NODE_ALTDA_VERIFY_ON_READ)
          Verify input data matches the commitments from the DA storage service

Configure your batcher

  • Set --altda.enabled=true and --altda.da-service=true.
  • Provide the URL for --atlda.da-server=$DA_SERVER_HTTP_URL.
    --altda.da-server value                                               ($OP_BATCHER_ALTDA_DA_SERVER)
          HTTP address of a DA Server
    --altda.da-service                 (default: false)                   ($OP_BATCHER_ALTDA_DA_SERVICE)
          Use DA service type where commitments are generated by the DA server
    --altda.enabled                    (default: false)                   ($OP_BATCHER_ALTDA_ENABLED)
          Enable Alt-DA mode
    --altda.verify-on-read             (default: true)                    ($OP_BATCHER_ALTDA_VERIFY_ON_READ)
          Verify input data matches the commitments from the DA storage service

After completing steps 1-3 above, you will have an Alt-DA mode chain up and running.

Set your fee configuration

  • Chain operators are not posting everything to Ethereum, just commitments, so chain operators will need to determine fee scalars values to charge users. The fee scalar values are network throughput dependent, so values will need to be adjusted by chain operators as needed.

  • Cost structure for Alt-DA Mode: The transaction data is split up into 128kb chunks and then submitted to your DA Layer. Then, 32 byte commitments are submitted (goes to batch inbox address) to L1 for each 128kb chunk. Then, figure out how much that costs relative to the amount of transactions your chain is putting through.

  • Set scalar values inside the deploy config. The example below shows some possible fee scalar values, calculated assuming negligible DA Layer costs, but will need to be adjusted up or down based on network throughput - as a reminder of how to set your scalar values, see this section (opens in a new tab) of the docs.

    // Set in Deploy Config
      "gasPriceOracleBaseFeeScalar": 7663, // Approximate commitment tx base cost
      "gasPriceOracleBlobBaseFeeScalar": 0, // blobs aren't used for submitting the small data commitments

Some initial scalar values must be set early on in the deploy config in Step 2. And then at a later point, chain operators can update the scalar values with an L1 transaction.

For node operators (full and archive nodes)

  • Run a DA server as laid out in Step 1
  • Provide the same --altda.enabled=true, --altda.da-server... on op-node as listed in Step 2

Inclusion criteria

Alt DA teams who want to be featured on this page must meet the following criteria:

  • Functional DA Server (opens in a new tab), maintained in your own repo
  • Supporting detailed documentation, to be referenced here
  • Functioning OP Stack devnet using your DA server with linked configuration, contract addresses, and RPC address

Breaking changes: renaming Plasma Mode to Alt-DA Mode

This feature has been renamed from Plasma Mode to Alt-DA Mode in the monorepo at: 0bb2ff5 (opens in a new tab). There are several breaking changes you should be aware of. These include changes to configuration file parameters, environment variables, and CLI commands. Before proceeding with the migration, ensure you are using OP Stack v1.9.1 (opens in a new tab) or later.

Modify rollup.json config:

Update your rollup.json configuration file by replacing the old Plasma config with the new Alt-DA config. There are two possible formats for the old Plasma config:

Legacy plasma config

If your config looks like this:

"use_plasma": true,
"da_commitment_type": "GenericCommitment",
"da_challenge_contract_address": "0xAAA",
"da_challenge_window": 1000,
"da_resolve_window": 2000,

Recent plasma config

Or if it looks like this:

"plasma_config": {
  "da_commitment_type": "GenericCommitment",
  "da_challenge_contract_address": "0xAAA",
  "da_challenge_window": 1000,
  "da_resolve_window": 2000

New Alt-DA config

Replace either of the above configurations with:

"alt_da": {
  "da_commitment_type": "GenericCommitment",
  "da_challenge_contract_address": "0xAAA",
  "da_challenge_window": 1000,
  "da_resolve_window": 2000

Only include fields in the new config that were present in your old config.

Updating OP Stack runtime config parameters

CLI parameters

Update the following CLI parameters for both op-node and op-batcher:

Former CLI paramCurrent CLI param

Environment variables


Former env varCurrent env var


Former env varCurrent env var

op-alt-da (formerly op-plasma) daserver

Former env varCurrent env var

After making these changes, your system should be properly configured to use the new Alt-DA Mode.


Remember to thoroughly test your configuration in testnet before going mainnet.

Next steps