OP Stack
Interop devnet

Interop devnet


Interop devnet is currently in active development and may experience periods of instability, including potential outages, as the networks are regularly updated and improved. Developers should expect some level of unreliability when interacting with the devnet. The devnet is intended for testing and development purposes only, and should not be relied upon for mission-critical applications.

The Interop devnet is a temporary public network of two OP Stack Sepolia instances that support Superchain interop enabling native ETH and SuperchainERC20 cross-chain token transfers. As we iterate on Superchain interop, these networks will be deprecated once the next devnets are released.

Interop devnet 0

Network Nameinterop-alpha-0
Chain ID420120000
Currency Symbol1ETH
Block Explorerhttps://optimism-interop-alpha-0.blockscout.com/ (opens in a new tab), https://420120000.testnet.routescan.io/ (opens in a new tab)
Public RPC URLhttps://interop-alpha-0.optimism.io (opens in a new tab)
Sequencer URLhttps://interop-alpha-0.optimism.io (opens in a new tab)

Interop devnet 1

Network Nameinterop-alpha-1
Chain ID420120001
Currency Symbol1ETH
Block Explorerhttps://optimism-interop-alpha-1.blockscout.com/ (opens in a new tab), https://420120001.testnet.routescan.io/ (opens in a new tab)
Public RPC URLhttps://interop-alpha-1.optimism.io (opens in a new tab)
Sequencer URLhttps://interop-alpha-1.optimism.io (opens in a new tab)
  1. The "currency symbol" is required by some wallets like MetaMask.
  2. The OptimismPortal is a low-level contract responsible for passing messages between L1 and L2. You can send ETH directly to the portal to receive it to the sender address on the L2.

Getting testnet ETH on the interop devnet

Get testnet ETH from the Superchain Faucet

You can utilize the Superchain Faucet (opens in a new tab) to get ETH on interop-alpha-0 and interop-alpha-1.

Bridging ETH to the interop devnet

Get Sepolia ETH from the Superchain Faucet

You can utilize the Superchain Faucet (opens in a new tab) to get ETH on Sepolia.

Send the Sepolia ETH to the devnet

You can send ETH directly to the OptimismPortal address and it will go to the same sender address on the devnet. Alternatively, you can use this bridge front end (opens in a new tab) to bridge ETH from Sepolia to interop-alpha-0 and interop-alpha-1 or between interop-alpha-0 and interop-alpha-1.

Wait for bridging to complete

It'll take approximately 2 minutes for the bridging process from Sepolia to L2 to complete and the ETH to appear in your wallet.

Block explorers

A unified block explorer of the Interop Devnet can be found here https://sid.testnet.routescan.io/ (opens in a new tab).

Alternatively block explorers per chain can be found below:

Superchain interop transaction relayer

Superchain cross-domain messages require two transactions. The first transaction creates an initiating message on the source chain. The second transaction creates an executing message on the destination chain.

To simplify user experience, the Superchain interop devnet has a relayer running that will automatically execute the second transaction. If your transaction does not get relayed or you prefer to relay manually you can do so by following this tutorial (opens in a new tab).

Next steps