Notices (README)
Preparing for Fjord Breaking Changes

Preparing for Fjord Breaking Changes

This page outlines breaking changes related to the Fjord network upgrade for wallets and front-end developers, chain operators, and node operators. If you experience difficulty at any stage of this process, please reach out to developer support (opens in a new tab).

The Fjord upgrade for OP Sepolia was activated on 1716998400 Wed May 29 16:00:00 UTC 2024. The Fjord OP Mainnet upgrade will be optimistically activated 1720627201 Thu July 10 16:00:01 UTC 2024, pending governance approval (opens in a new tab).

What's Included in Fjord

The Fjord network upgrade (opens in a new tab) includes the following:

For Wallets and Front-End Developers

The proposed Fjord upgrade to the OP Stack and OP Mainnet changes the formula for estimating the L1 Data Fee component of the OP Stack Transaction Fee.

  • getL1Fee on the GasPriceOracle contract (opens in a new tab) has been updated. It now performs FastLZ compression on-chain, which is a better approximation of the compressibility of a transaction. Combined with a linear regression model, this gives a more accurate prediction of L1 data fees.
  • getL1GasUsed and the corresponding L1GasUsed field of transaction receipts are being deprecated as they no longer accurately reflect gas usage as of Ecotone. The function and field will remain; however, their usefulness is limited as they still assume calldata batching. getL1Fee should be used when trying to predict L1 Data fees.
  • getL1FeeUpperBound is a new method to estimate fee upper bounds when sending transactions. It is much cheaper, in gas costs, than previous methods. This is what wallets and front-ends should use in practice in most cases.
  • Read the Fjord Formula section of the Transaction Fees page for more information about the new formula.

Your application may need to be updated to account for this change. Read below to learn how specific changes in the Fjord upgrade require updates to your application.

Preparing Your Wallet or Front-End

Changes to the L1 Data Fee formula may affect your application if you are computing this fee component on your own. It's strongly recommended that you use existing tooling to estimate transaction fees instead of computing them yourself.

  • If you cannot use existing tooling, use the getL1Fee function on the GasPriceOracle smart contract to compute the L1 Data Fee component of the transaction fee. Avoid implementing the formula yourself, as it may change in the future.
  • Alternatively, you should consider using getL1FeeUpperBound if you only need to estimate an upper bound of the L1 fee for the purpose of transaction sending.

For Chain Operators

The proposed Fjord upgrade impacts OP chains and requires chain operators to upgrade their chain and configure the sequencer for Fjord.

  • Max sequencer drift (opens in a new tab) becomes a constant with value increased to 1800 seconds. This gives chain operators more time to respond to L1 node issues without facing a potential L2 chain halt.
  • Brotli (opens in a new tab) is now supported as a channel compression option, for ~5-15% lower data availability costs.
  • An update of the fee scalars on the SystemConfig is necessary, similar to Ecotone.

Prepare SystemConfig Transaction

An onchain transaction will be required to update the scalar for Fjord. This needs to be prepared days in advance before the activation to ensure chain operators don't operate at a loss when Fjord activates.

Prepare Sequencer Node


If you are operating an OP Chain that has an entry in the superchain-registry (opens in a new tab), the Fjord activation date is part of the op-node and op-geth nodes, and are using the --network and --op-network flags. No action is needed for the sequencer after preparing the SystemConfig transaction. Please skip to Step 3: Prepare Batcher.

For custom chains not included in the superchain-registry (opens in a new tab), you will need to manually configure the activation timestamp (opens in a new tab). You have two configuration options for your sequencer node:

  • Option 1: Set the Fjord activation date in your rollup.json config file. You will still need to set the override.fjord flag in op-geth with the UNIX timestamp.
  • Option 2: Alternatively, chain operators can use the override flags to configure your sequencer node by specifying a time in the future when Fjord will activate.
    • Set override.fjord in both op-node and op-geth to the UNIX timestamp of the block you want to activate the Fjord hardfork or corresponding env vars for this.
    • In general, run op-node --help or op-geth --help to see flags, their descriptions and environment variables.

Prepare Batcher

Preparing your batcher to activate Brotli compression is optional but recommended to achieve better channel compression.

  • You can activate Brotli compression for your batcher by setting the compression-algo flag.
    • brotli-10 is the recommended Brotli level and works fine for most chain configurations.
    • However, chain operators can experiment with brotli-11 if it gives them better compression and their batcher can still keep up with the increased compression computation needs.

brotli defaults to brotli-10. If the flag is unset, it still defaults to zlib.

  • You can also run the batcher help to see available options: go run ./op-batcher/cmd --help |less
--compression-algo value (default: zlib) ($OP_BATCHER_COMPRESSION_ALGO)
The compression algorithm to use. Valid options: zlib, brotli, brotli-9,
brotli-10, brotli-11

To verify proper configuration, chain operators should confirm in the startup logs of their op-node and op-geth that the correct Fjord activation timestamps are set.

For Node Operators

Node operators will need to upgrade to Fjord before the activation date. For Sepolia, the op-node release v1.7.7 (opens in a new tab) and op-geth release v1.101315.2 (opens in a new tab) contain these changes.

These following steps are necessary for EVERY node operator:

Update to the Latest Release

Configure the Fjord Activation Date


If you are operating a node for an OP Chain that has an entry in the superchain-registry (opens in a new tab), the Fjord activation date is part of the op-node and op-geth nodes. So, no action is needed for the sequencer after upgrading to the latest release. Please skip to Step 3: Verify Your Configuration.

For node operators of custom chains not included in the superchain-registry (opens in a new tab), you will need to manually configure the activation timestamp (opens in a new tab). This can be done one of two ways:

  • Option 1: Set the activation time in the rollup.json for op-node. You will still need to set the override.fjord flag in op-geth if you use this option.
  • Option 2: Set the activation time via overrides (CLI) in both op-node and op-geth. These will need to be set on op-node and op-geth for the sequencer and all other nodes.

Verify Your Configuration

Make the following checks to verify that your node is properly configured.

  • op-node and op-geth will log their configurations at startup
  • Check that the Fjord time is set to activation-timestamp in the op-node startup logs
  • Check that the Fjord time is set to activation-timestamp in the op-geth startup logs