Contract deployment

OP Stack smart contract deployment


This page is out of date and shows the legacy method for smart contract deployment. For the latest recommended method, use op-deployer.

The following guide shows you how to deploy the OP Stack L1 smart contracts. The primary development branch is develop, however you should only deploy official contract releases. You can visit the smart contract overview for the official release versions. Changes to the smart contracts are generally not considered backwards compatible.

Deployment configuration

Deploying your OP Stack contracts requires creating a deployment configuration JSON file. You will create a new deployment configuration file in the following monorepo subdirectory: packages/contracts-bedrock/deploy-config (opens in a new tab) For the full set of deployment configuration options and their meanings, you can see the rollup deployment configuration page.

For a detailed explanation of the configuration options and their meanings, refer to the rollup deployment configuration page.

Using op-deployer

The recommended way to deploy the L1 smart contracts is with the op-deployer tool. Follow the steps in this section to learn how it works.

Deployment script (Legacy method)


The following deployment information outlines the legacy method for deploying the OP Stack L1 contracts. This method is not recommended and is provided only for historical context.

The legacy method for deploying smart contracts uses foundry (opens in a new tab) and the deployment script located in the monorepo at packages/contracts-bedrock/scripts/deploy/Deploy.s.sol (opens in a new tab).

State diff

You can verify the state diff before deploying the contracts by using the runWithStateDiff() function in the deployment script. This produces outputs in snapshots/state-diff/ (opens in a new tab). Run the deployment with state diffs using the following command:

forge script -vvv scripts/deploy/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --sig 'runWithStateDiff()' --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY


  • Set the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY and add the --verify flag to verify your contracts.
  • DEPLOYMENT_OUTFILE will determine the filepath that the deployment artifact is written to on disk after the deployment. It comes in the form of a JSON file where keys are the names of the contracts and the values are the addresses the contract was deployed to.
  • DEPLOY_CONFIG_PATH is the path on the filesystem that points to a deployment config. The same deployment config JSON file should be used for L1 contracts deployment as when generating the L2 genesis allocs. See the deploy-config (opens in a new tab) directory for examples and the rollup configuration page for descriptions of the values.
  • IMPL_SALT env var can be used to set the create2 salt for deploying the implementation contracts.

This will deploy an entire new system of L1 smart contracts, including a new SuperchainConfig. In the future, there will be an easy way to deploy only proxies and use shared implementations for each of the contracts as well as a shared SuperchainConfig contract.

DEPLOYMENT_OUTFILE=deployments/artifact.json \
  forge script scripts/deploy/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy \
  --broadcast --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
  --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL

Deploying a single contract

All functions for deploying a single contract are public, meaning that the --sig argument to forge script can be used to target the deployment of a single contract.

Best practices

Production users should deploy their L1 contracts from a contracts release. All contracts releases are on git tags with the following format: op-contracts/vX.Y.Z. If you're deploying a new standard chain, you should deploy the Fault Proof Fixes release (opens in a new tab) with the permissioned game type enabled. Starting with permissioned fault proofs gives chain operators time to get comfortable running the additional infrastructure requirements: op-challenger (opens in a new tab) and monitoring (opens in a new tab). There are also additional changes to the economics of operating a permissionless fault proof that chain operators should fully understand.

Next steps