

This page will teach you what the op-conductor service is and how it works on a high level. It will also get you started on setting it up in your own environment.

Enhancing sequencer reliability and availability

The op-conductor (opens in a new tab) is an auxiliary service designed to enhance the reliability and availability of a sequencer within high-availability setups. By minimizing the risks associated with a single point of failure, the op-conductor ensures that the sequencer remains operational and responsive.


It is important to note that the op-conductor does not incorporate Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT). This means the system operates under the assumption that all participating nodes are honest and act correctly.

Summary of guarantees

The design of the op-conductor provides the following guarantees:

  • No Unsafe Reorgs
  • No Unsafe Head Stall During Network Partition
  • 100% Uptime with No More Than 1 Node Failure



On a high level, op-conductor serves the following functions:

Raft consensus layer participation

  • Leader determination: Participates in the Raft consensus algorithm to determine the leader among sequencers.
  • State management: Stores the latest unsafe block ensuring consistency across the system.

RPC request handling

  • Admin RPC: Provides administrative RPCs for manual recovery scenarios, including, but not limited to: stopping the leadership vote and removing itself from the cluster.
  • Health RPC: Offers health RPCs for the op-node to determine whether it should allow the publishing of transactions and unsafe blocks.

Sequencer health monitoring

  • Continuously monitors the health of the sequencer (op-node) to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Control loop management

  • Implements a control loop to manage the status of the sequencer (op-node), including starting and stopping operations based on different scenarios and health checks.

Conductor state transition

The following is a state machine diagram of how the op-conductor manages the sequencers Raft consensus.


Helpful tips: To better understand the graph, focus on one node at a time, understand what can be transitioned to this current state and how it can transition to other states. This way you could understand how we handle the state transitions.


At OP Labs, op-conductor is deployed as a kubernetes statefulset because it requires a persistent volume to store the raft log. This guide describes setting up conductor on an existing network without incurring downtime.

You can utilize the op-conductor-ops (opens in a new tab) tool to confirm the conductor status between the steps.


This setup guide has the following assumptions:

  • 3 deployed sequencers (sequencer-0, sequencer-1, sequencer-2) that are all in sync and in the same vpc network
  • sequencer-0 is currently the active sequencer
  • You can execute a blue/green style sequencer deployment workflow that involves no downtime (described below)
  • conductor and sequencers are running in k8s or some other container orchestrator (vm-based deployment may be slightly different and not covered here)

Spin up op-conductor

Deploy conductor

Deploy a conductor instance per sequencer with sequencer-1 as the raft cluster bootstrap node:

  • suggested conductor configs:

    OP_CONDUCTOR_EXECUTION_RPC: '<op-geth url or ip>:8545'
    OP_CONDUCTOR_HEALTHCHECK_MIN_PEER_COUNT: '2'  # set based on your internal p2p network peer count
    OP_CONDUCTOR_HEALTHCHECK_UNSAFE_INTERVAL: '5' # recommend a 2-3x multiple of your network block time to account for temporary performance issues
    OP_CONDUCTOR_NETWORK: '<network>'
    OP_CONDUCTOR_NODE_RPC: '<op-node url or ip>:8545'
    OP_CONDUCTOR_RAFT_SERVER_ID: 'unique raft server id'
    OP_CONDUCTOR_RAFT_STORAGE_DIR: /conductor/raft
  • sequencer-1 op-conductor extra config:


Pause two conductors

Pause sequencer-0 & sequencer-2 conductors with conductor_pause RPC request.

Update op-node configuration and switch the active sequencer

Deploy an op-node config update to all sequencers that enables conductor. Use a blue/green style deployment workflow that switches the active sequencer to sequencer-1:

  • all sequencer op-node configs:

    OP_NODE_CONDUCTOR_ENABLED: "true" # this is what commits unsafe blocks to the raft logs
    OP_NODE_RPC_ADMIN_STATE: "" # this flag can't be used with conductor

Confirm sequencer switch was successful

Confirm sequencer-1 is active and successfully producing unsafe blocks. Because sequencer-1 was the raft cluster bootstrap node, it is now committing unsafe payloads to the raft log.

Add voting nodes

Add voting nodes to cluster using conductor_AddServerAsVoter RPC request to the leader conductor (sequencer-1)

Confirm state

Confirm cluster membership and sequencer state:

  • sequencer-0 and sequencer-2:

    1. raft cluster follower
    2. sequencer is stopped
    3. conductor is paused
    4. conductor enabled in op-node config
  • sequencer-1

    1. raft cluster leader
    2. sequencer is active
    3. conductor is paused
    4. conductor enabled in op-node config

Resume conductors

Resume all conductors with conductor_resume RPC request to each conductor instance.

Confirm state

Confirm all conductors successfully resumed with conductor_paused

Transfer leadership

Trigger leadership transfer to sequencer-0 using conductor_transferLeaderToServer

Confirm state

  • sequencer-1 and sequencer-2:

    1. raft cluster follower
    2. sequencer is stopped
    3. conductor is active
    4. conductor enabled in op-node config
  • sequencer-0

    1. raft cluster leader
    2. sequencer is active
    3. conductor is active
    4. conductor enabled in op-node config

Update configuration

Deploy a config change to sequencer-1 conductor to remove the OP_CONDUCTOR_PAUSED: true flag and OP_CONDUCTOR_RAFT_BOOTSTRAP flag.

Blue/green deployment

In order to ensure there is no downtime when setting up conductor, you need to have a deployment script that can update sequencers without network downtime.

An example of this workflow might look like:

  1. Query current state of the network and determine which sequencer is currently active (referred to as "original" sequencer below). From the other available sequencers, choose a candidate sequencer.
  2. Deploy the change to the candidate sequencer and then wait for it to sync up to the original sequencer's unsafe head. You may want to check peer counts and other important health metrics.
  3. Stop the original sequencer using admin_stopSequencer which returns the last inserted unsafe block hash. Wait for candidate sequencer to sync with this returned hash in case there is a delta.
  4. Start the candidate sequencer at the original's last inserted unsafe block hash.
    1. Here you can also execute additional check for unsafe head progression and decide to roll back the change (stop the candidate sequencer, start the original, rollback deployment of candidate, etc.)
  5. Deploy the change to the original sequencer, wait for it to sync to the chain head. Execute health checks.

Post-conductor launch deployments

After conductor is live, a similar canary style workflow is used to ensure minimal downtime in case there is an issue with deployment:

  1. Choose a candidate sequencer from the raft-cluster followers
  2. Deploy to the candidate sequencer. Run health checks on the candidate.
  3. Transfer leadership to the candidate sequencer using conductor_transferLeaderToServer. Run health checks on the candidate.
  4. Test if candidate is still the leader using conductor_leader after some grace period (ex: 30 seconds)
    1. If not, then there is likely an issue with the deployment. Roll back.
  5. Upgrade the remaining sequencers, run healthchecks.

Configuration options

It is configured via its flags / environment variables (opens in a new tab)

--consensus.addr (CONSENSUS_ADDR)

  • Usage: Address to listen for consensus connections
  • Default Value:
  • Required: yes

--consensus.advertised (CONSENSUS_ADVERTISED)

  • Usage: Address to advertise for consensus connections
  • Default Value:
  • Required: yes

--consensus.port (CONSENSUS_PORT)

  • Usage: Port to listen for consensus connections
  • Default Value: 50050
  • Required: yes

--raft.bootstrap (RAFT_BOOTSTRAP)

For bootstrapping a new cluster. This should only be used on the sequencer that is currently active and can only be started once with this flag, otherwise the flag has to be removed or the raft log must be deleted before re-bootstrapping the cluster.

  • Usage: If this node should bootstrap a new raft cluster
  • Default Value: false
  • Required: no

--raft.server.id (RAFT_SERVER_ID)

  • Usage: Unique ID for this server used by raft consensus
  • Default Value: None specified
  • Required: yes

--raft.storage.dir (RAFT_STORAGE_DIR)

  • Usage: Directory to store raft data
  • Default Value: None specified
  • Required: yes

--node.rpc (NODE_RPC)

  • Usage: HTTP provider URL for op-node
  • Default Value: None specified
  • Required: yes

--execution.rpc (EXECUTION_RPC)

  • Usage: HTTP provider URL for execution layer
  • Default Value: None specified
  • Required: yes

--healthcheck.interval (HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL)

  • Usage: Interval between health checks
  • Default Value: None specified
  • Required: yes

--healthcheck.unsafe-interval (HEALTHCHECK_UNSAFE_INTERVAL)

  • Usage: Interval allowed between unsafe head and now measured in seconds
  • Default Value: None specified
  • Required: yes

--healthcheck.safe-enabled (HEALTHCHECK_SAFE_ENABLED)

  • Usage: Whether to enable safe head progression checks
  • Default Value: false
  • Required: no

--healthcheck.safe-interval (HEALTHCHECK_SAFE_INTERVAL)

  • Usage: Interval between safe head progression measured in seconds
  • Default Value: 1200
  • Required: no

--healthcheck.min-peer-count (HEALTHCHECK_MIN_PEER_COUNT)

  • Usage: Minimum number of peers required to be considered healthy
  • Default Value: None specified
  • Required: yes

--paused (PAUSED)

There is no configuration state, so if you unpause via RPC and then restart, it will start paused again.

  • Usage: Whether the conductor is paused
  • Default Value: false
  • Required: no

--rpc.enable-proxy (RPC_ENABLE_PROXY)

  • Usage: Enable the RPC proxy to underlying sequencer services
  • Default Value: true
  • Required: no


Conductor exposes admin RPCs (opens in a new tab) on the conductor namespace.


OverrideLeader is used to override the leader status, this is only used to return true for Leader() & LeaderWithID() calls. It does not impact the actual raft consensus leadership status. It is supposed to be used when the cluster is unhealthy and the node is the only one up, to allow batcher to be able to connect to the node so that it could download blocks from the manually started sequencer.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_overrideLeader","params":[],"id":1}'  \


Pause pauses op-conductor.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_pause","params":[],"id":1}'  \


Resume resumes op-conductor.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_resume","params":[],"id":1}'  \


Paused returns true if the op-conductor is paused.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_paused","params":[],"id":1}'  \


Stopped returns true if the op-conductor is stopped.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_stopped","params":[],"id":1}'  \


SequencerHealthy returns true if the sequencer is healthy.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_sequencerHealthy","params":[],"id":1}'  \


API related to consensus.

Leader returns true if the server is the leader.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_leader","params":[],"id":1}'  \


API related to consensus.

LeaderWithID returns the current leader's server info.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_leaderWithID","params":[],"id":1}'  \


API related to consensus.

AddServerAsVoter adds a server as a voter to the cluster.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_addServerAsVoter","params":[<raft-server-id>, <raft-consensus-addr>, <raft-config-version>],"id":1}'  \


API related to consensus.

AddServerAsNonvoter adds a server as a non-voter to the cluster. non-voter The non-voter will not participate in the leader election.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_addServerAsNonvoter","params":[<raft-server-id>, <raft-consensus-addr>, <raft-config-version>],"id":1}'  \


API related to consensus.

RemoveServer removes a server from the cluster.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_removeServer","params":[<raft-server-id>, <raft-config-version>],"id":1}'  \


API related to consensus.

TransferLeader transfers leadership to another server (resigns).

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_transferLeader","params":[],"id":1}'  \


API related to consensus.

TransferLeaderToServer transfers leadership to a specific server.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_transferLeaderToServer","params":[<raft-server-id>, <raft-consensus-addr>, <raft-config-version>],"id":1}'  \


ClusterMembership returns the current cluster membership configuration.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_clusterMembership","params":[],"id":1}'  \


API called by op-node.

Active returns true if the op-conductor is active (not paused or stopped).

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_active","params":[],"id":1}'  \


API called by op-node.

CommitUnsafePayload commits an unsafe payload (latest head) to the consensus layer. TODO - usage examples that include required params are needed

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data \
    '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"conductor_commitUnsafePayload","params":[],"id":1}'  \

Next steps