Running a node with Docker

Running a node with Docker

Using Docker (opens in a new tab) is an easy way to run an OP Mainnet node. This tutorial will walk you through the process of using simple-optimism-node (opens in a new tab) to run an OP Mainnet or OP Sepolia node using Docker. simple-optimism-node also provides useful tools like a monitoring dashboard and health checking software. Although less flexible than running a node from source or building your own Docker setup, this is a great way to quickly get started with OP Mainnet.

What's included

simple-optimism-node includes all the basic components to run an OP Mainnet or OP Sepolia node. It also includes several additional services to monitor the health of your node and the health of the network you're connected to. See the What's Included (opens in a new tab) section of the simple-optimism-node README for more details.



Clone the simple-optimism-node repository to get started.

git clone https://github.com/smartcontracts/simple-optimism-node.git
cd simple-optimism-node


Configuration for simple-optimism-node is handled through environment variables inside of an .env file.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an .env File

The repository includes a sample environment variable file located at .env.example that you can copy and modify to get started. Make a copy of this file and name it .env.

cp .env.example .env

How to Configure the .env File for Your Node

Open the .env file in your favorite text editor. Set the variables inside of the REQUIRED (BEDROCK) section of the file according to the guide below:

NETWORK_NAME - Choose which Optimism network layer you want to operate on:

  • op-mainnet - OP Mainnet
  • op-sepolia - OP Sepolia (Testnet)
  • base-mainnet - Base Mainnet
  • base-sepolia - Base Sepolia (Testnet)

NODE_TYPE - Choose the type of node you want to run:

  • full (Full node) - A Full node contains a few recent blocks without historical states.
  • archive (Archive node) - An Archive node stores the complete history of the blockchain, including historical states.

OP_NODE__RPC_ENDPOINT - Specify the endpoint for the RPC of Layer 1 (e.g., Ethereum mainnet). For instance, you can use the free plan of Alchemy for the Ethereum mainnet.

OP_NODE__L1_BEACON - Specify the beacon endpoint of Layer 1. You can use QuickNode for the beacon endpoint (opens in a new tab). For example: https://xxx-xxx-xxx.quiknode.pro/db55a3908ba7e4e5756319ffd71ec270b09a7dce.

OP_NODE__RPC_TYPE - Specify the service provider for the RPC endpoint you've chosen in the previous step. The available options are:

  • alchemy - Alchemy
  • quicknode - Quicknode (ETH only)
  • erigon - Erigon
  • basic - Other providers

HEALTHCHECK__REFERENCE_RPC_PROVIDER - Specify the public RPC endpoint for Layer 2 network you want to operate on for healthcheck. For instance:

Run the node

Once you've configured your .env file, you can run the node using Docker Compose. The following command will start the node in the background.

docker compose up -d --build

Upgrade the node

Pull the latest updates from GitHub, Docker Hub and rebuild the container.

git pull
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d --build --force-recreate

Operating the node

You can use Docker Compose to interact with the node and manage the various containers that you started. Refer to the Operating the Node (opens in a new tab) section of the simple-optimism-node README for more information.

Checking node status

simple-optimism-node includes a monitoring dashboard that you can use to check the status of your node. You can access the dashboard by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your browser. Refer to the Grafana dashboard (opens in a new tab) section of the simple-optimism-node README for more information.

Another way to check the node syncing progress is to run ./progress.sh, which will print output showing the number of blocks per second and the estimated time until synchronization is completed.

Chain ID: 10
Please wait
Blocks per minute: ...
Hours until sync completed: ...