OP Stack
Bridging native cross-chain ETH transfers
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Bridging native cross-chain ETH transfers


This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for bridging ETH from one Superchain Interop chain to another. For a conceptual overview, see the interoperable ETH explainer.


Crosschain ETH transfers in the Superchain are facilitated through the SuperchainWETH (opens in a new tab) contract. This tutorial walks through how to send native ETH from one chain to another. You can do this on Supersim, the Interop devnet, or production once it is released.

What you'll build

  • A TypeScript application to transfer ETH chains

What you'll learn

  • How to send ETH on the blockchain and between blockchains
  • How to relay messages between chains


Before starting this tutorial, ensure your development environment meets the following requirements:

Technical knowledge

  • Intermediate TypeScript knowledge
  • Understanding of smart contract development
  • Familiarity with blockchain concepts

Development environment

  • Unix-like operating system (Linux, macOS, or WSL for Windows)
  • Node.js version 16 or higher
  • Git for version control

Required tools

The tutorial uses these primary tools:

  • Foundry: For smart contract development
  • Supersim: For local blockchain simulation
  • TypeScript: For implementation
  • Viem: For blockchain interaction

Install prerequisite software

  1. Install Foundry (opens in a new tab).
  2. Install Node (opens in a new tab).
  3. Install git (opens in a new tab). The exact mechanism to do this depends on your operating system; most come with it preinstalled.

Configure the network

You can run this tutorial either with Supersim running locally, or using the Interop devnet. Select the correct tab and follow the directions.

  1. Follow the Installation Guide to install Supersim for running blockchains with Interop.

  2. Start Supersim.

    ./supersim --interop.autorelay
  3. Supersim uses Foundry's anvil blockchains, which start with ten prefunded accounts. Set these environment variables to access one of those accounts on the L2 blockchains.

    export PRIVATE_KEY=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
  4. Specify the URLs to the chains.

Sanity check

Get the ETH balances for your address on both the source and destination chains.

cast balance --ether `cast wallet address $PRIVATE_KEY` --rpc-url $SRC_URL
cast balance --ether `cast wallet address $PRIVATE_KEY` --rpc-url $DST_URL

Transfer ETH using Foundry

Run these commands:

DST_CHAINID=`cast chain-id --rpc-url $DST_URL`
MY_ADDRESS=`cast wallet address $PRIVATE_KEY`
BEFORE=`cast balance $MY_ADDRESS --rpc-url $DST_URL | cast from-wei`          
cast send --rpc-url $SRC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY $SUPERCHAIN_WETH "sendETH(address,uint256)" $MY_ADDRESS $DST_CHAINID --value 0.001ether
sleep 10
AFTER=`cast balance $MY_ADDRESS --rpc-url $DST_URL | cast from-wei`
echo -e Balance before transfer\\t$BEFORE
echo -e Balance after transfer\\t$AFTER

Create the TypeScript project

Normally we expect Superchain blockchains to run an autorelayer and relay your messages automatically. However, for performance reasons or reliability, you might decide to submit the executing message manually. See below to learn how to do that.

To create an executing message on the destination chain we use the @eth-optimism/viem package (opens in a new tab). For that we need TypeScript code.

  1. Create a new TypeScript project.

    mkdir transfer-eth
    cd transfer-eth
    npm init -y
    npm install --save-dev -y viem tsx @types/node @eth-optimism/viem typescript
    mkdir src
  2. Download the ABI for SuperchainWETH.

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/refs/heads/develop/packages/contracts-bedrock/snapshots/abi/SuperchainWETH.json > src/SuperchainWETH.abi.json
  3. Place this in src/transfer-eth.mts:

    import {
    } from 'viem'
    import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts'
    import { 
    } from '@eth-optimism/viem/chains'
    import {
        contracts as optimismContracts
    } from '@eth-optimism/viem'
    import superchainWethAbi from './SuperchainWETH.abi.json'
    const supersimAddress="0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
    const account = privateKeyToAccount(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as `0x${string}`)
    const sourceChain = account.address == supersimAddress ? supersimL2A : interopAlpha0
    const destinationChain = account.address == supersimAddress ? supersimL2B : interopAlpha1
    const sourceWallet = createWalletClient({
        chain: sourceChain,
        transport: http(),
    const destinationWallet = createWalletClient({
        chain: destinationChain,
        transport: http(),
    const wethOnSource = await getContract({
        address: optimismContracts.superchainWETH.address,
        abi: superchainWethAbi,
        client: sourceWallet
    const reportBalance = async (address: string): Promise<void> => {
        const sourceBalance = await sourceWallet.getBalance({
            address: address
        const destinationBalance = await destinationWallet.getBalance({
            address: address
            Address: ${address}
            Balance on source chain: ${formatEther(sourceBalance)}
            Balance on destination chain: ${formatEther(destinationBalance)}
    console.log("Before transfer")
    await reportBalance(account.address)
    const sourceHash = await wethOnSource.write.sendETH({
        value: parseEther('0.001'),
        args: [account.address, destinationChain.id]
    const sourceReceipt = await sourceWallet.waitForTransactionReceipt({
    	hash: sourceHash
    console.log("After transfer on source chain")
    await reportBalance(account.address)
    const sentMessage =  
        (await createInteropSentL2ToL2Messages(sourceWallet, { receipt: sourceReceipt }))
    const relayMsgTxnHash = await destinationWallet.interop.relayMessage({
        sentMessageId: sentMessage.id,
        sentMessagePayload: sentMessage.payload,
    const receiptRelay = await destinationWallet.waitForTransactionReceipt(
            {hash: relayMsgTxnHash})
    console.log("After relaying message to destination chain")
    await reportBalance(account.address)
    Explanation of transfer-eth.mts
    import { 
    } from '@eth-optimism/viem/chains'

    Import all chain definitions from @eth-optimism/viem.

    const supersimAddress="0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
    const account = privateKeyToAccount(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as `0x${string}`)
    const sourceChain = account.address == supersimAddress ? supersimL2A : interopAlpha0
    const destinationChain = account.address == supersimAddress ? supersimL2B : interopAlpha1

    If the address we use is 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, one of the prefunded addresses on anvil, assume we're using Supersim. Otherwise, use Interop devnet.

    const sourceReceipt = await sourceWallet.waitForTransactionReceipt({
    	hash: sourceHash

    To relay a message we need the information in the receipt. Also, we need to wait until the transaction with the relayed message is actually part of a block.

    const sentMessage =  
        (await createInteropSentL2ToL2Messages(sourceWallet, { receipt: sourceReceipt }))

    A single transaction can send multiple messages. But here we know we sent just one, so we look for the first one in the list.

    const relayMsgTxnHash = await destinationWallet.interop.relayMessage({
        sentMessageId: sentMessage.id,
        sentMessagePayload: sentMessage.payload,
    const receiptRelay = await destinationWallet.waitForTransactionReceipt(
            {hash: relayMsgTxnHash})

    This is how you use @eth-optimism/viem to create an executing message.

Run the example

  1. Run the example.

    npx tsx src/transfer-eth.mts
  2. Read the results.

    Before transfer
            Address: 0x7ED53BfaA58B79Dd655B2f229258C093b6C09A8C
            Balance on source chain: 0.020999799151902245
            Balance on destination chain: 0.026999459226731331

    The initial state. Note that the address depends on your private key; it should be different from mine.

    After transfer on source chain
            Address: 0x7ED53BfaA58B79Dd655B2f229258C093b6C09A8C
            Balance on source chain: 0.019999732176717961
            Balance on destination chain: 0.026999459226731331

    After the initiating message the balance on the source chain is immediately reduced. Notice that even though we are sending 0.001 ETH, the balance on the source chain is reduced by a bit more (here, approximately 67 gwei). This is the cost of the initiating transaction on the source chain. Of course, as there has been no transaction on the destination chain, that balance is unchanged.

    After relaying message to destination chain
            Address: 0x7ED53BfaA58B79Dd655B2f229258C093b6C09A8C
            Balance on source chain: 0.019999732176717961
            Balance on destination chain: 0.027999278943880868    

    Now the balance on the destination chain increases, by slightly less than 0.001 ETH. The executing message also has a transaction cost (in this case, about 180gwei).

Next steps